

  1. 答:词汇是外语学习和交流的基本要素,学习英语闷核离不开词汇,词汇如同建房所用的砖,是最基础的、不可缺少的材料,在语言文化交流中起着重要作用。随着中西文化的频繁交流以及外语教学研究的深入发展,词汇教学越来越得到高度重视。要学好英语必须掌握一定数量的英语单词,学生掌握词汇数量的大小和运用词汇的熟练程度直接影响语言交际能力。在语音、语拦配法、词汇学习中,词汇掌握难度较大,大多学生对英语单词花费时间多但记忆效果不佳。词汇是语言的基本单位,英语的表达、交际要通过词汇来实现,没有词汇,就无法表达、无法交流。所以,词汇是培养学生语言交际能力不可缺少的基本语言。
  2. 答:词汇的重要性,他肯定是毋庸置疑的
问:英语作文600字 词汇的重要性
  1. 答:learning English vocabulary is very important for your English study,If English is a building ,vocabulary is the tile of the building.If you don't got enough tile you can't finish the architecture.English study need vocabulary likes build process need tile,somebody think read vocabulary from memory is too hard ,and takes a lot of time.but it is can't be omited,everythings needs hardwork,no pains no gain.so don'plain about it please,just look it as a process of collecting precious stone,just do it and you will win a diamond future for yourself.
  2. 答:learning English vocabulary is very important for your English study,If English is a building ,vocabulary is the tile of the building.If you don't got enough tile you can't finish the architecture.English study need vocabulary likes build process need tile,somebody think read vocabulary from memory is too hard ,and takes a lot of time.but it is can't be omited,everythings needs hardwork,no pains no gain.so don'plain about it please,just look it as a process of collecting precious stone,just do it and you will win a diamond future for yourself.
问:词汇的重要性 英语作文
  1. 答:learning English vocabulary is very important for your English study,If English is a building ,vocabulary is the tile of the building.If you don't got enough tile you can't finish the architecture.English study need vocabulary likes build process need tile,somebody think read vocabulary from memory is too hard ,and takes a lot of time.but it is can't be omited,everythings needs hardwork,no pains no gain.so don'plain about it please,just look it as a process of collecting precious stone, and you will win a diamond future for yourself.
