

  1. 答:China's pre-market thinking of the cold
    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid growth of our economy and gradually increase prehensive national strength, China's thriving pre-school education. However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school market is one of them. With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China's pre-school education. This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of countermeasures.
    Key words: market pulsory pre-school market
  2. 答:China;s pre-market summary of the cold thought: In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth and gradually increase prehensive national strength, China;s thriving pre-school education. However, in the development process there have been many problems, including pre-school education is one of the market. With the pre-market, China's pre-school education has emerged an unreasonable and unfair equality of education, these problems are urgent if the time can not be effectively addressed, will be restricted to the healthy development of China;s pre-school education. This paper analyzes the current market situation and our pre-existing problems, based on thinking and made a number of countermeasures.我正准备论文那 一起加油吧
  1. 答:教育不应该该市场化。
    教育市场化的问题是现实生活中的热点问题。社会主义市场经济正在我国逐步建立和发展,市场经济规则冲击着社会生活中各个领域。随着广大人民群众生活水平的提高,人们对教育的需求也迅速提高,计划经济体制下确立的教育制度无法满足人们日益增长的教育需求。旧的教育体制、教学模式等都受了广泛的质疑。教育行业是否应当进行市场化、如何进行市场化等问题成为教育体制理论研究的争论焦点。进一步加强对这些问题的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文从教育市场化的必然性和必要性入手,主要分析了教育市场化的基本特征、我国教育制度现状和教育制度改革思路等方面的问题,重点阐述了教育市场化的原因、意义、内容和具体方法。 本文最后得出结论,教育市场化是社会主义市场经济发展的必然趋势,政府应当采取有力措施积极推进教育市场化进程。
  1. 答:1、教育产业化会加剧社会不公平,穷人的孩子更难出头。堵塞上升通道将会导致不稳定,孕育更多。
